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Web Based Virtual Control System Laboratory and on-Line Temperature Control of Electrophoresis Equipment using LabVIEW

by R.M.Sudha Sruthi, S.Ananya, B.Murugeshwari
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International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: R.M.Sudha Sruthi, S.Ananya, B.Murugeshwari

R.M.Sudha Sruthi, S.Ananya, B.Murugeshwari . Web Based Virtual Control System Laboratory and on-Line Temperature Control of Electrophoresis Equipment using LabVIEW. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 6 ( February 2010), 108-113. DOI=10.5120/133-251

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There is a big demand and supply gap in the education field in India. Resource crunch in higher education is being felt in a serious way. Massive expenditure is required to expand, improve and bring it to the world standards. Setting up infrastructure for the laboratory requires heavy initial investments, which start up colleges find difficult to afford. A solution to this problem is by developing a virtual control system laboratory simulation module using LabVIEW and uploading it in the common university server. With proper authentication, students of the affiliated colleges can access this module and carry out their experiments virtually. A LabVIEW module of 9 OFF-line experiments and one ON-line experiment has been created along with tutorials. Thus the student gains deeper understanding of theoretical and practical concepts of the control system. Behavior of a system in various ranges can be studied easily and accurate results can be obtained.

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  7. J.H.Teng S.Y.Chan, J.C.Lee and R.Lee, “ LabVIEW based Virtual Instrument for Power Analyzers,” International conference on Power system Technology (POWERCON), IEEE, 2000.
  8. F.J.Gomez, M.Cervera and J.Martinez, “A World Wide Web based Architecture for the Implementation of a Virtual Laboratory,” Euromicro Conference, 2000.
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  10. Wells and Lisa.K, “LabVIEW for Everyone Graphical Programming made Even Easier,” Upper Saddle River: New Jersey, 2007.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


LabVIEW simulation module