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A Conceptual Approach to Temporal Weighted Itemset Utility Mining

by Jyothi Pillai, O.P. Vyas, Sunita Soni, Maybin Muyeba
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 28
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Jyothi Pillai, O.P. Vyas, Sunita Soni, Maybin Muyeba

Jyothi Pillai, O.P. Vyas, Sunita Soni, Maybin Muyeba . A Conceptual Approach to Temporal Weighted Itemset Utility Mining. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 28 ( February 2010), 55-60. DOI=10.5120/510-827

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Conventional Frequent pattern mining discovers patterns in transaction databases based only on the relative frequency of occurrence of items without considering their utility. Rare objects are often of great interest and great value. Until recently, rarity has not received much attention in the context of data mining. For many real world applications, however, utility of rare itemsets based on cost, profit or revenue is of importance.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Association Rule Mining Utility Temporal Frequent Pattern Mining Temporal Rare Itemset