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CAFSM: A Communicating Adaptive Finite State Machine for Personalized Multimedia Streaming

by Susan Elias, Jasmin C.B, Lisa Mathew, Easwarakumar.K.S, Richard Chbeir
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 26
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Susan Elias, Jasmin C.B, Lisa Mathew, Easwarakumar.K.S, Richard Chbeir

Susan Elias, Jasmin C.B, Lisa Mathew, Easwarakumar.K.S, Richard Chbeir . CAFSM: A Communicating Adaptive Finite State Machine for Personalized Multimedia Streaming. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 26 ( February 2010), 86-92. DOI=10.5120/475-781

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In this paper we present the design of a multimedia presentation system which permits the dynamic adaptation of the content. The Communicating Adaptive Finite State Machine (CAFSM) presented in this paper, has been used to describe the multimedia streaming and presentation system proposed here. This system is driven by a set of messages that are used for communication and co-ordination among the various component machines which form the system

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Communicating Adaptive Finite State Machines Multimedia Presentation e-Learning Presentation Finite State Machines