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Reseach Article

Web Technologies (WEB2.0)

by Nimisha Goel, Seema Maitrey, Sunita Kanauziya
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International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Nimisha Goel, Seema Maitrey, Sunita Kanauziya

Nimisha Goel, Seema Maitrey, Sunita Kanauziya . Web Technologies (WEB2.0). International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 24 ( February 2010), 11-21. DOI=10.5120/564-746

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Web2.0, the second phase in the web's evolution, is attracting the Attention of IT professionals, businesses, and web users.Web2.0 harnesses the web in a more interactive and collaborative manner, emphasizing peers social interaction and collective intelligence and presents new opportunities for leveraging the web and engaging its users more effectively. This paper will help to understand web2.0 and its potential so that we can harness it capabilities effectively. Web2.0 is a collection of technologies, business strategies and social trends, which are explained in this paper. Web2.0 is more dynamic and interactive than its predecessor Web1.0. Various opportunities and threats are faced by web2.0. Testing in Web2.0 is an area of Concern now a days. Testing in web2.0 is very different from testing in web1.0, which we overview in the paper. Thus we conclude with that web2.0 is an important phenomenon that should not be ignored.

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  4. Second-Generation Web Technologies by San Murugesan "Understanding Web2.0".
  5. D. Garson, Public information technology and e- governance: managing the virtual state, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury (MA), 2006.
  6. T. Berners-Lee and M. Fischetti, Weaving the web: the past, present and future of the world wide web by its inventor, Orion Business Books, London, 1999.
  7. Usability Metrics - Measuring Usability Using Web Analytics Data June 23rd, 2009 admin Posted in Usability, Web Analytics |
  8. Usability Metrics-Measuring Usability using Web Analytic tools.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Web2.0 interactive and collaborative manner taxonomies