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Reseach Article

Application Specific Optimal Codec in Cognitive Environment

by R. D. Raut, K.D. Kulat
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: R. D. Raut, K.D. Kulat

R. D. Raut, K.D. Kulat . Application Specific Optimal Codec in Cognitive Environment. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 24 ( February 2010), 42-48. DOI=10.5120/558-735

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title = { Application Specific Optimal Codec in Cognitive Environment },
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Optimization process needs a case study, including simulation to observe real time results. With the evolution of coding techniques like turbo, LDPC(Low Density Parity Check Code, Convolutional LDPC, RS(Reed Solomon) codes, etc., to choose a specific technique & its specific configuration to optimize the system performance is a critical task. Moreover FPGA implementation of these coders makes the design flexible and software defined. Heading towards the Cognitive Technology, wherein Bandwidth (BW) allocation is dynamic one has to configure the entire transceiver system to work over the available BW. Present paper is a summary of the Ph. D. work carried out to optimize the BER(Bit error rate) performance of codec in the cognitive environment. In particular Application Specific Codec design is putt forth for Mobile & WiMax, followed by improvement in the BER performance at higher BW. Few sample Results at every stage of simulation are also depicted.

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  5. R.D. Raut and K. D.Kulat, “Optimal Coec Design for Mobile Communication”, TECHNIA, International Journal of Computing Science & communication Technologies , vol 1, no. 1, pp.. 20-24, July 2008.
  6. R. D. Raut and K. D. Kulat, “ Novel approach: Codec design for WiMax system”, IEEE Explore, 18-20 Dec,2008Tavel, P. 2007 Modeling and Simulation Design. AK Peters Ltd.
  7. Matlab 7 Getting Started Guide, Available:
  8. Simulink Fixed Point 5 User’s Guide, Available:
  9. Matlab 7 Getting Started Guide, Available:
  10. Simulink Fixed Point 5 User’s Guide, Available:
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Turbo LDPC RS FPGA BER Performance optimization Cognitive