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Localization of License Plates from Surveillance Camera Images: A Color Feature Based ANN Approach

by Satadal Saha, Subhadip Basu, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kr. Basu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 23
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Satadal Saha, Subhadip Basu, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kr. Basu

Satadal Saha, Subhadip Basu, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak Kr. Basu . Localization of License Plates from Surveillance Camera Images: A Color Feature Based ANN Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 23 ( February 2010), 25-31. DOI=10.5120/542-706

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title = { Localization of License Plates from Surveillance Camera Images: A Color Feature Based ANN Approach },
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%A Satadal Saha
%A Subhadip Basu
%A Mita Nasipuri
%A Dipak Kr. Basu
%T Localization of License Plates from Surveillance Camera Images: A Color Feature Based ANN Approach
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Traffic monitoring system has now become an essential administrative part in most of the developed and developing countries. In general, such systems monitor/identify the vehicles exceeding speed limits, or monitor the vehicles crossing the stop line at red traffic signal. It may also be used for registering the vehicles getting entry in a shopping mall or in a railway station or in an airport. The key modules of these monitoring systems are: (i) localization of license plates within the image and (ii) recognizing the license number using an OCR system. The present work addresses the first module of the system. The color information of the license plate is used as the knowledge base for training an artificial neural network system using back propagation algorithm. The trained network is then used to find the potential license plate region within a new traffic image. The scheme is applied in a real life outdoor environment at some road crossings in an Indian city. The result is found to be quite satisfactory giving an accuracy of around 80%.

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  11. Satadal Saha, Subhadip Basu, Mita Nasipuri and Dipak Kumar Basu, “An Offline Technique for Localization of License Plates for Indian Commercial Vehicles”, Proceedings of IEEE National Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (COCOSYS-09), UIT, Burdwan, January 02-04, 2009, pp. 206-211.
  12. Satadal Saha, Subhadip Basu, Mita Nasipuri and Dipak Kumar Basu, “License Plate localization from vehicle images: An edge based multi-stage approach”, In press International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering (Computer Science), Vol. 1, No. 1, 2009, pp. 284-288.
  13. Satadal Saha, Subhadip Basu, Mita Nasipuri and Dipak Kumar Basu, “Development of an Automated Red Light Violation Detection System (RLVDS) for Indian vehicles”, Proceedings of IEEE National Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (COCOSYS-09), UIT, Burdwan, January 02-04, 2009, pp. 59-64.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


RGB-HSI Back propagation algorithm connected component labeling Sobel edge detector Hough transform