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A Novel Stroke Width Based Binarization Method to Handle Closely Spaced Thick Characters

by P. Pavan Kumar, Atul Negi, B.L. Deekshatulu, Chakravarthy Bhagvati, Arun Agarwal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 23
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: P. Pavan Kumar, Atul Negi, B.L. Deekshatulu, Chakravarthy Bhagvati, Arun Agarwal

P. Pavan Kumar, Atul Negi, B.L. Deekshatulu, Chakravarthy Bhagvati, Arun Agarwal . A Novel Stroke Width Based Binarization Method to Handle Closely Spaced Thick Characters. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 23 ( February 2010), 32-39. DOI=10.5120/540-704

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title = { A Novel Stroke Width Based Binarization Method to Handle Closely Spaced Thick Characters },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
issue_date = { February 2010 },
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%A P. Pavan Kumar
%A Atul Negi
%A B.L. Deekshatulu
%A Chakravarthy Bhagvati
%A Arun Agarwal
%T A Novel Stroke Width Based Binarization Method to Handle Closely Spaced Thick Characters
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Signboards and billboards provide a challenge to image seg¬mentation methods, since these images may also have pictures and graphical objects, apart from text objects. Methods that often succeed in more traditional text block segmentation situations do not perform well here since estimation of text lines and character widths etc fail due to the short sample sizes. Further, extraction of characters of different font sizes, which can be found in the real world and signboard images, remains a problem. In this paper, as a solution to the mentioned problem, we propose two stroke width based binarization approaches. These approaches can be used to eliminate extraneous objects based upon estimates of stroke width. We compare our methods with several other stroke width based binarization methods. We observe that the previous approaches fail, when there are closely spaced thick characters. We show that our second approach is able to extract closely spaced thick characters better than any of the other methods.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image Segmentation Thresholding Stroke Width Thick Characters