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Recognition of Isolated Multi-Oriented Handwritten/Printed Characters using a Novel Convex-Hull Based Alignment Technique

by Nibaran Das, Sandip Pramanik, Ram Sarkar, Subhadip Basu, Punam Kumar Saha
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International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 23
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Nibaran Das, Sandip Pramanik, Ram Sarkar, Subhadip Basu, Punam Kumar Saha

Nibaran Das, Sandip Pramanik, Ram Sarkar, Subhadip Basu, Punam Kumar Saha . Recognition of Isolated Multi-Oriented Handwritten/Printed Characters using a Novel Convex-Hull Based Alignment Technique. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 23 ( February 2010), 40-45. DOI=10.5120/539-703

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title = { Recognition of Isolated Multi-Oriented Handwritten/Printed Characters using a Novel Convex-Hull Based Alignment Technique },
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%A Sandip Pramanik
%A Ram Sarkar
%A Subhadip Basu
%A Punam Kumar Saha
%T Recognition of Isolated Multi-Oriented Handwritten/Printed Characters using a Novel Convex-Hull Based Alignment Technique
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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Handwritten character recognition is one of the difficult tasks of pattern recognition due to diverse writing styles. The problem becomes more severe if the characters are written in a cursive fashion with varying orientations. Also there may exist printed characters of different shapes/fonts and sizes in a document image. In the current work, we have presented a novel convex hull based alignment technique for effective recognition of multioriented handwritten/printed characters. During this alignment process, the maximum distance from the convex hull centroid to character body is calculated and the distance is translated to Y axis along with all the points of the characters. Then the features are extracted from the aligned data. The experimental results of the current technique show notable improvement in recognition accuracy of isolated multi-oriented handwritten/printed digit patterns of Bangla and Devanagri scripts. As observed from the experimentation, the current technique enhances the recognition accuracy by 12.50%, 12.23 %, 16.81% on handwritten Bangla, handwritten Devanagari and printed Bangla digit datasets respectively.

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  9. N. Das, S. Basu, P. K. Saha, R. Sarkar, , M.Kundu, M.Nasipuri, “A GA Based approach for selection of local features for recognition of handwritten Banngla numerals” published in NE ASEE-2009, University of Bridgeport, USA
  10. Nibaran Das, Subhadip Basu, Ram Sarkar, Mahantapas Kundu, Mita Nasipuri, Dipak kumar Basu, “An Improved Feature Descriptor for Recognition of Handwritten Bangla Alphabet”, in Proc. of International conference on Signal and Image Processing( ICSIP-2009), India
  11. Nibaran Das, Ram Sarkar, Subhadip Basu , Mahantapas Kundu, Mita Nasipuri , Dipak Kumar Basu , “A Soft Computing Paradigm for Handwritten Digit Recognition with Application to Bangla Digits”, MS’07,India, p.p. 771- 774
  12. S. Basu, N. Das, R. Sarkar M. Kundu, M. Nasipuri, D. K. Basu, "An MLP based Approach for Recognition of Handwritten ‘Bangla’ Numerals,” IICAI-05, pp. 407-417
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Convex hull Affine Invariant Multi-orineted Handwrittencharacters