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Security and Privacy in VANET to reduce Authentication Overhead for Rapid Roaming Networks

by Surabhi Mahajan, Alka Jindal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Surabhi Mahajan, Alka Jindal

Surabhi Mahajan, Alka Jindal . Security and Privacy in VANET to reduce Authentication Overhead for Rapid Roaming Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 20 ( February 2010), 17-21. DOI=10.5120/428-631

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Since the last few years VANET have received increased attention as the potential technology to enhance active and preventive safety on the road, as well as travel comfort. Security and privacy are indispensable in vehicular communications for successful acceptance and deployment of such a technology. Generally, attacks cause anomalies to the network functionality. A secure VANET system, while exchanging information should protect the system against unauthorized message injection, message alteration, eavesdropping. In this paper, various security and privacy issues and challenges are discussed. The various authentication schemes in wireless LAN, VANETS are discussed. Out of various authentication schemes that are used to reduce the overhead in authentication, when roaming - proxy re- encryption scheme and new proxy re encryption scheme is reviewed in detail. A comparison between the two schemes is done, which shows that the privacy can be maintained better by using new proxy re encryption.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Non- frame ability Identity privacy Location Privacy delegators