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Reseach Article

Constructive Role of SFC & RGB Fusion versus Destructive Intrusion

by R.Amirtharajan, R.John Bosco Balaguru
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: R.Amirtharajan, R.John Bosco Balaguru

R.Amirtharajan, R.John Bosco Balaguru . Constructive Role of SFC & RGB Fusion versus Destructive Intrusion. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 20 ( February 2010), 30-36. DOI=10.5120/426-629

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Digital Crime is the latest terrorist who can intrude into any domain by breaking any type of firewall or secret code without frittering even a single drop of blood. To fight this terror, a cryptic army was evolved but not good enough to succeed. As a consequence, an effective commando namely steganography has been evolved who can combat any type of destructive intrusion. In this paper, Space Filling Curve (SFC) and RBG colour compound stego action against the threat of digital crime has been proposed. The proposed stego system scans the colour image pixel by pixel along a complex path, not row by row, and hides the variable k bit of the secret data in each pixel visited in the order defined by a Space-Filling Curve (SFC) such as the Hilbert curve and the Moore curve traversing paths. Such curves visit each pixel in the color image which is split into Red, Green and Blue components. The effectiveness of the proposed stego system has been estimated by computing bit error rate (BER), Mean square error(MSE),Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Structural Similarity index(MSSIM). This paper also illustrates how security has been enhanced using this algorithm.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


LSB steganography Information hiding space filling curves steganography