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A New Queuing Policy for Delay Tolerant Networks

by R.S.D. Wahidabanu, G.Fathima
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: R.S.D. Wahidabanu, G.Fathima

R.S.D. Wahidabanu, G.Fathima . A New Queuing Policy for Delay Tolerant Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 20 ( February 2010), 52-55. DOI=10.5120/422-622

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Recently there has been much research activity in the area of delay tolerant networks (DTNs). There are several different types of DTNs depending on their characteristics. Routing is one of the key components in the DTN architecture. The basic principle behind the routing protocols for DTNs is store, carry and forward. Message transmission occur only when nodes encounter each other. Due to mobility of the nodes, the contact duration is limited. The contact duration may not be sufficient for a node to transmit all messages it has. Therefore decision has to be made on which message to forward. Similarly, in order to cope up with long disconnections, messages are buffered for a long period of time. If buffer capacity is reached, nodes must decide on which message to be dropped. Thus a new policy has been proposed in this paper which takes care of both. The proposed policy is based on their class of service and the expiration time. The delay tolerant networks whose behaviour is random is considered in this paper. Therefore epidemic routing protocol which is suitable for such network has been mainly focused. The simulation shows that the new policy outperforms existing policy in terms of delivery ratio and delivery latency with preferential delivery.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Delay Tolerant Networks Epidemic routing Queuing policy delivery ratio delivery latency