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Novel Fuzzy Association Rule Image Mining Algorithm for Medical Decision Support System

by P. Rajendran, M. Madheswaran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: P. Rajendran, M. Madheswaran

P. Rajendran, M. Madheswaran . Novel Fuzzy Association Rule Image Mining Algorithm for Medical Decision Support System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 20 ( February 2010), 87-94. DOI=10.5120/415-613

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The proposed method deals with the detection of brain tumor in the CT scan brain images. The preprocessing technique applied on the images eliminates the inconsistent data from the CT scan brain images. Then feature extraction process is applied to extract the features from the brain images. A Novel Fuzzy Association Rule Mining (NFARM) applied on the image transaction database which contains the features that are extracted from the CT scan brain images. A new test image has been tested with the mined (NFARM) rules. The proposed NFARM gives the diagnosis keywords to physicians for making a better diagnosis system. The experimental results of the proposed method gives better performance compared to the traditional Fuzzy Apriori algorithm.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Novel Fuzzy Association Rule Mining (NFARM) classification Pre processing Feature Extraction medical imaging image mining data mining image mining data mining