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A Novel Utility and Frequency based Itemset Mining Approach for Improving CRM in Retail Business

by Shankar S., T.Purusothaman, Kannimuthu S., Vishnu Priya K.
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Shankar S., T.Purusothaman, Kannimuthu S., Vishnu Priya K.

Shankar S., T.Purusothaman, Kannimuthu S., Vishnu Priya K. . A Novel Utility and Frequency based Itemset Mining Approach for Improving CRM in Retail Business. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 16 ( February 2010), 87-94. DOI=10.5120/335-506

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issue_date = { February 2010 },
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%T A Novel Utility and Frequency based Itemset Mining Approach for Improving CRM in Retail Business
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The paradigm shift from 'data-centered pattern mining' to 'domain driven actionable knowledge discovery' has increased the need for considering the business yield (utility) and demand or rate of recurrence of the items (frequency) while mining a retail business transaction database. Such a data mining process will help in mining different types of itemsets of varying business utility and demand. We here present a set of algorithms for mining all types of utility and frequency based itemsets from a retail business transaction database which would significantly aid in inventory control and sales promotion. This set of algorithms are also capable of identifying the active customers of each such type of itemset mined and rank them based on their total or lifetime business value which would be extremely helpful in improving Customer Relationship Management (CRM) processes like campaign management and customer segmentation.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Mining Utility and Frequency Based Itemset Mining Customer Relationship Management Domain Driven Data Mining High Utility High Frequency Itemsets High Utility Low Frequency Itemsets Low Utility High Frequency Itemsets Low Utility Low Frequency Itemsets Semantic Intelligence Active Customer List Generation