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A Novel Approach for Optimized Test Case Generation using Activity and Collaboration Diagram

by Soubhagya Sankar Barpanda, Baikuntha Narayan Biswal, Durga Prasad Mohapatra
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International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Soubhagya Sankar Barpanda, Baikuntha Narayan Biswal, Durga Prasad Mohapatra

Soubhagya Sankar Barpanda, Baikuntha Narayan Biswal, Durga Prasad Mohapatra . A Novel Approach for Optimized Test Case Generation using Activity and Collaboration Diagram. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 14 ( February 2010), 63-67. DOI=10.5120/299-463

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%A Durga Prasad Mohapatra
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Testing is the process of building con¯dence of the program- mer, that shows, the software does what it is intended to do, which in turn improves the reliability of the software. And automation of software testing process helps in achiev- ing it with reduced cost and time. Test case generation is one part of the testing process with description of a test and independent of designed system, intended to ¯nd er- rors. The advantage of generation of test cases from spec- i¯cations and design is that they can be available during early phase of the software development life cycle and there is no need to wait for development of codes to test the soft- ware. Additionally early test case generation reduces errors, inconsistencies and ambiguities, during the life cycle, be- cause developers can use test cases to control their program to conform to the software speci¯cation. In this paper we have applied Constraint-based Genetic Algorithm technique to generate optimized test cases from UML Activity dia- gram and Collaboration diagram. Our proposed approach is more e®ective, which uncovers more number of errors, by using combinatorial optimization technique such as genetic algorithm with transition coverage, a test adequacy crite- ria as a constraint. We have de¯ned an error minimization technique in our approach, which works as a basic principle for optimized test case generation. That means the gener- ated test case have lower chance of presence of errors, by discarding the rest. The proposed approach is discussed by considering ATM cash withdrawal as a case study.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


software development life cycle (SDLC) automatic testing test case UML diagrams Genetic algorithm (GA)