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A new Hierarchical Pattern Recognition method using Mirroring Neural Networks

by Dasika Ratna Deepthi, K. Eswaran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Dasika Ratna Deepthi, K. Eswaran

Dasika Ratna Deepthi, K. Eswaran . A new Hierarchical Pattern Recognition method using Mirroring Neural Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 12 ( February 2010), 88-96. DOI=10.5120/252-409

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In this paper, we develop a hierarchical classifier (an inverted tree-like structure) consisting of an organized set of "blocks" each of which is actually a module that performs a feature extraction and an associated classification. We build each of such blocks by coupling a Mirroring Neural Network (MNN) with a clustering (algorithm) wherein the functions of the MNN are automatic data reduction and feature extraction which precedes an unsupervised classification. We then device an algorithm which we name as a "Tandem Algorithm" for the self-supervised learning of the MNN and an ensuing process of unsupervised pattern classification so that an ensemble of samples presented to the hierarchical classifier is classified and then sub-classified automatically. This tandem process is a two step process (feature extraction/data reduction and classification), implemented at each block (module) and can be extended level by level in the hierarchical architecture. The proposed procedure is practically demonstrated using 2 example cases where in a collage of images consisting of faces, flowers and furniture are classified and sub classified automatically.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Hierarchical Pattern Recognition classifier feature extraction Mirroring Neural Networks unsupervised classification Tandem Algorithm self-supervised learning