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Node Categorization Scheme (NCS) for Throughput Efficiency in Multi-rate Mobile Ad hoc Networks

by Sunita Varma, Vrinda Tokekar, Neha Vari
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 1 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Sunita Varma, Vrinda Tokekar, Neha Vari

Sunita Varma, Vrinda Tokekar, Neha Vari . Node Categorization Scheme (NCS) for Throughput Efficiency in Multi-rate Mobile Ad hoc Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 1, 1 ( February 2010), 34-37. DOI=10.5120/25-133

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%A Sunita Varma
%A Vrinda Tokekar
%A Neha Vari
%T Node Categorization Scheme (NCS) for Throughput Efficiency in Multi-rate Mobile Ad hoc Networks
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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In multirate network, the performance of one node is heavily dependent on the nodes in its vicinity and long term throughput of each station becomes largely independent of its own datarate, rather it gets bounded by the lowest datarate peer. The presence of low datarate link equalizes the aggregate throughput, thereby restricting any benefits of higher bit rates used by the peer. This leads towards the underutilization of the bandwidth. In this paper, we present an analytical conclusion on the adjustment for the various transmission overheads, in order to upgrade bandwidth efficiency. We call our proposal Node Categorization Scheme (NCS) which is a dynamic method for improving the performance of ad hoc multirate networks in various transmission scenarios while we consider aggregate throughput as the performance indicator. The ad hoc network applications mostly have a lone sender, one or more intermediate nodes and one or multiple end receivers. The overall transmission scenario allows us to categorize nodes according to their transmission state. Here we improve the performance of different categories dynamically which meliorates the overall transmission performance. We thoroughly compare the performance of our proposed scheme with IEEE 802.11.Our comprehensive simulations validate the efficacy of our method toward providing high throughput and better bandwidth efficiency.

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  7. NCTUnsTechnologies,
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Multirate Contention Window Throughput Simulation Datarate Distributed Networks Bandwidth Efficiency