Foundation of Computer Science™ Inc is now a part of Web of Science™ Subscribers. FCS subscribes to Web of Science's Reviewer Recognition Service and Reviewer Locator for Publishers programmes.
IJCA is now being indexed with EBSCO, Google Scholar, Informatics, ProQuest CSA Technology Research Database, NASA ADS, CiteSeer, UlrichWeb, ScientificCommons (Univ. of St Gallens), University of Karlsruhe, Germany, PennState University
IJCA solicits high quality original research papers for the upcoming May Edition of the journal.
Last date of paper submission 21 April 2025
The International Journal of Computer Applications in association with indexing partners Google Scholar, Elsevier CiteuLike et. al. publishes original papers in applied, experimental and theoretical aspects of information systems. The enhanced online publication platform is jointly developed with support from the Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
All published research articles in IJCA academic research journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. The camera-ready is ratified by FCS reviewer network.
IJCA journals’ bibliographies & citations are available from HARVARD University Library under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The PennState University Libraries comprise 36 libraries at 24 locations throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. IJCA releases the articles to PennState University via Proquest.
Policy on Publication Ethics - Ensuring genuine authorship
IJCA is fuelled by a highly dispersed and geopraphically separated team of dynamic volunteers. IJCA calls volunteers interested to contribute towards the scientific development in the field of computer science.
International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) is a peer reviewed journal published by Foundation of Computer Science (FCS). The journal publishes papers related with topics including but not limited to Information Systems, Distributed Systems, Graphics and Imaging, Bio-informatics, Natural Language Processing, Software Testing, Human-Computer Interaction, Embedded Systems, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished manuscripts will be considered. Furthermore, simultaneous submissions (including Information systems journal and electronics journal) are not acceptable. Authors are advised to read Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement to learn about compliances. Information regarding paper submission to the computer journal can be found at call for papers page.