CFP last date
20 March 2025
General Information

IJCA Statistical Data

The impact factor is derived from the consolidated citation data received via Google Scholar, DOAJ and ProQuest survey under the purview of University of St. Gallen. Self citations are not considered while calculating Impact Factor and Cited Half-Life statistics.

Cumulative statistics derived from print and online versions:

Years Impact Factor Immediacy Index Cited Half-Life
2010 0.835 0.272 0.446
2011 0.814 0.259 0.428
2012 0.821 0.264 0.433
2013 0.791 0.215 0.384
2014 0.715 0.166 0.329
2015 0.752 0.183 0.361
2016 0.702 0.146 0.327
2017 0.695 0.121 0.298
2018 0.704 0.136 0.318
2019 0.745 0.148 0.352
2020 0.748 0.152 0.358
2021 0.686 0.112 0.252
2022 0.702 0.113 0.304

International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) regularly attempts to improve the impact factor of the journal; with the help of authors, researchers, teachers and students. In this regard, we are inviting more international referees to our Reviewer list from the upcoming issues.

We also request the IJCA authors to participate in the Cornell University program. The IJCA copyright agreements are modified accordingly to allow Cornell University Library non-exclusive and irrevocable license to distribute or certify that the work is available under another license that conveys these rights.